SPKs uppfödarutbildning
Varmt välkomna till introduktion av vår Pudeluppfödarutbildning!
Alla medlemmar i Svenska Pudelklubben som är intresserade av avel och uppfödning är varmt välkomna att delta.
Datum och tid: Den 11 september kl. 19.00. Sista dag för anmälan 3 september
Plats: Digital träff (länk för deltagande skickas ut efter anmälan)
Kostnad: Kostnadsfritt
Det är ett utmärkt tillfälle för alla som vill fördjupa sina kunskaper och kompetenser inom avel och uppfödning av pudlar.
Föreläsare Juha Kares
Anmälan: klicka på länken och fyll i dina kontaktuppgifter
Vi ser fram emot att träffa er digitalt och dela med oss av värdefull kunskap och erfarenheter inom området!
Vänliga hälsningar Svenska Pudelklubben
Juha Kares has bred pedigree dogs since 1983 with prefix Chic Choix. He started with rare breed löwchens and few Years later with lhasa apsos. The influence to these breeds has been a large indeed as over 150 exports around the World has left their marks to the breeds World wide.
Juha has been able to travel many top breeders around the World in golden age of the pedigree dogs and famous kennels around United States, Australia and Europe since 1981. Parents gave the teenager Juha a full support to his hobby. These trips and countless hours of old fashion dog talk started the ever growing interest of how to breed the best possiple happy and healthy pedigree dogs. Thousand stories, pedigrees and wisdom of dog breeding of old mentors continue in Juha/s work. Painful mistakes and learning from the mistakes has been the key factor. Face the facts and develop every day.
Chic Choix has bred also top winning deerhounds, greyhounds, irish setters, kingcharles spaniels, norrbottenspets and sealyhamterriers. Today Chic Choix continue with lhasa apsos and has bred over 15 generations of Champions. In total Juha Kares has bred or owned over 660 individual Champions World wide. These dogs have won over 1.000 all breed BEST in SHOWs in over 35 different countries. Chic Choix has bred also over 50 World Winners in 8 different breeds and the record of 179 individual all breed BEST in GROUP winners. Vitality is the key. Chic Choix try to follow unique Natural Selection method in dog breeding. Where the strongest continue the generation next and only free whelped naturally born easy living dogs continue to future generations. All pedigrees are hand written as it so important to understand and knot the backround of your dogs.
Juha is also a judge since 2002 but only can judge a few shows a Year due to other commitments in life. Written two books about dogs and over 100 articles about dogs and dog breeding. Juha is a special education teacher and had degree in Cultural Geography and education from the University of Helsinki. Which both have been in a way useful in dog breeding too. Motto in life: Joie de vivre.
Här kan du läsa mer om Juha Kares https://www.aces-upakitas.com/…/keep-it-simple-by-juha…