Höstutställning 8 oktober


Varmt välkomna till Västra avdelningens höstutställning och rasspecial i Vårgårda!

Vi firar att Svenska Pudelklubben fyller 80 år!


När: 8 oktober  2022.
Var:  Tångahallen, Tånga Hed, Vårgårda

Ring 1: dvärg- och toypudel – Marianne Sloijer (Holland)

Ring 2: mellan- och storpudel –Marco Marabotto (Italien)

Reservation för domarändring. Domarna ersätter varandra.

Anmälningsavgifter och klasser:

Valp 4-6 mån, 6-9 mån och veteraner 190 kr
Junior, unghund, öppen klass och champion 295 kr

Anmäl via denna länk  –> SKK-Internetanmalan

Halv avgift för tredje hunden i officiella klasser som anmäls av samma ägare. Anmäls manuellt med hjälp av SKK:s blankett. Blanketten mailas till: klara.sandgren@pudelklubben.se med rubriken ”Halv avgift” och referens till vilka hundar som är anmälda via SKKs  internetanmälan. Avgiften betalas in på PG 523317-6. Ange hundens regnr på inbetalningen. Både uppgifter och betalning krävs för att anmälan ska vara korrekt.

Utställare bosatta utanför Sverige måste skicka en kopia på stamtavlan till SKK i god tid. Anmälan sker via e-post till:  klara.sandgren@pudelklubben.se

Sista anmälning: 26/9 kl. 12:00! Inga efteranmälningar mottages.

Så här går det till på utställning –>Allmänna-regler-utställning

Eventuella frågor skickas till: anna.lindh@pudelklubben.se

OBS! Vi följer Folkhälsomyndighetens och Svenska Kennelklubbens  rekommendationer.

Boende: Tånga Heds camping och vandrarhem



Höstutställning 8 oktober

Marco Marabotto

I have breed Pekingese with the Kribensis name for more than 25 years made up more than 50 Italian Ch plus International Champions and also World and European winner.

I have exported alot of dogs all over Europe and also Uk. In.2014 I have falled in love with another breed so I have also starting breeding Bruxelles and Belgian Griffons, a new adventure that I really like, and also in those breeds I have now made up many champions.

 I have been licensed judge for Pekingese by the Italian Kennel Club (E.N.C.I) in 2007 and now I have the abilitation to judge FCI GROUP 9 ,GROUP 10,a GROUP 4 and some breeds of Group 3. I have judged all over Europe and  I really enjoy judging both home and abroad because I have the opportunity to see alot of  beautiful dogs from all over the world.

 I’m a committee member of the Italian Companions Toy Club, member of the Standards Commission of the Italian Kennel Club and Chairman of my local Kennel Club.

Marco Marabotto

Höstutställning 8 oktober

Marianne Sloijer

My name is Marianne Slooijer 58 years old and married too Jan vd Bult for 36 years. We live in the middle east of the Netherlands. With our dogs, at the moment 4 dwarf poodles and 2 malinois.

I have had dogs my whole live. Poodles all variëties, miniature Pinscher, Dobermann,  Sheltie, and Malinois. 

I have bred miniature toy and medium sice poodles on small scale under the kennel name  Special Attraction. As a professionel groomer i always groomed my own poodles for show. I am proud of all the titels my poodles have won over the years. Some of the titles are, Dutch Ch, German Ch, Internationale Ch. Amsterdam Winner and junior winner titel, European Ch, World Winner Ch. Etc. 

I am not showing or breeding Poodles any more. In 2012 i had a litter black and Brown miniature poodles. In this litter there was one girl who nobody wanted becourse she was not interrested in the buyers! She choose me!!! For me this was a sign too not let her go!! I had a very old wish too get in Sports with my poodles but never had the time too do so. There i made the decision too keep her and make her and me happy by going in too the Agility sport together. And what a Journey we made together wauw.

She chainched my whole live for the best. We trained and trained and got in too Agility competitions which i never wanted too doo, my goal was having fun together. But my Girl Mexx was on fire she loved it so much and we kept going. We competed at international level. We started in the European open the World agility championship IFCS championship World Agility Open Dutch championship Masters and all severall times.  International Poodle Agility what we won with our team. So i can say she is one of a kind and one in a life time dog. She is retired now and lives her live as a pet with me the same as her mother father and halfbrother.

Dog show is about how close is the dog comparing the breed standard!

And i will do my best too judge this way. What i also want too see in the ring is that competitors handlers and dogs having a good time together as a team.

Lets make nice memories together with your beloved Poodles at the show ground and loving every minut of it, i know i will.

Hope too see you soon.

Marianne Slooijer 

Höstutställning 8 oktober